• Read my lips – NO TAXES – Period! Just imagine what you could do with all of that extra money! If that’s not possible, at least a Flat Tax should be attainable.
• Ron may be the ONLY candidate that’s completely committed to cutting the size of government – and cutting Spending! The Tea Party is just echoing the life long fight that Ron Paul has been waging.
• States’ Rights – Ron Paul has been a champion of states’ rights.
• Ending the Federal Reserve (and the hidden tax called Inflation)
• Return to the constitution – Ron Paul has been a champion of keeping government within the confines of the constitution for more than 30 years.
• Return to a TRUE free market
• End the dept. of education
• Property Rights & Gun Rights
• End unnecessary Government Regulations
• Restoration of legislative power to the Congress where it belongs
• International stability - Despite what past war mongers have been telling us, we do not need to police the world – you want SAFETY? The answer is to pull back from the world. Nobody is saying we shouldn’t have the biggest military, the strongest military, the best military, but doesn’t it make sense to use it for defense instead of offense? Just imagine how we would respond to foreign troops on our soil. Wouldn’t we be the ones to fight back no matter how benevolent the troops might be? Can you imagine Americans putting up with even the smallest imposition on our sovereignty? Talk about waking up the sleeping giant! So, why do we expect people around the world to behave any differently? We have 900 permanent military installations ON FOREIGN SOIL! We place our best and brightest in harm’s way – and for what? To protect our oil supplies? It’s not even necessary! We have plenty of untapped energy reserves in our own country – if we could get the enviro-wackos out of the way, we’d have enough energy for the next 200 years or more without having to import another barrel of oil. Even in the short term while we await our own resources to be developed, why are we so arrogant to think that the oil flows because of our military? Many of the nations where the oil is, have little other revenue besides the oil – don’t you think it’s more likely that they will continue to sell us the oil regardless of who’s in charge, or where our troops are? If you really believe in the free market (as all Republicans claim) then how can you believe that this is any different?
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