You must have realized by now that many of your goals will never be achieved by electing even those who you thought were the most far left - like Obama... why not look for a new party, with whom you can count on to defend liberty at every opportunity.
- End the wars - NOW - treat every nation like Canada, we trade with them, we're friendly, and we don't give them any of our money. Other nations can and should protect themselves. When we help, we're doing more harm than good. Israel is not even free to defend herself because she must ask the US for permission before she acts. This only prolongs the inevitable outcome, and hurts everyone involved. Every great nation in the history of the world eventually fell because it overreached in its military goals (and expenditures) - why are we so naieve to think we can be any different?
- Put an end to entangling alliances that commit us to war. What gives one generation the right to commit the next to war and conflict? This practice is wrong and immoral.
- End the Federal Reserve Cartel - Inflation is bad for everyone - it's a hidden tax that devalues every dollar in your bank and in your pocket. No FED, no Inflation! Since the FED was created, inflation has gone up over 2000%. Average salary has gone from $633 in 1913 to over $45,000 with only about a 6% increase in purchasing power.
- End corporate welfare, farm subsidies, oil subsidies, special taxes for the privileged and well connected.
- Decriminalize all drugs (War on drugs costs 88 billion a year, and it has not reduced the usage, plus the government has no right to tell us what to put into our own bodies) All drug related violence would cease overnight. Drug dealers would be forced to find other work if you could walk into Walgreens or CVS and buy clean, legitimate, taxed, and cheap drugs. Even theft would decline as it would be easier for the addicts to fund their habit without stealing.
- The Federal Government has no authorization for getting involved with marriage, sex, or abortion. Even state governments really should not have any role to play in any of these most personal issues.
- END the PATRIOT Act - This typically ill-named act is a tragedy of injustice - it gives federal agents the power to write their own search warrants, on the spot. This was the single biggest reason why our founding fathers set out to fight the British in the American Revolution! Forget about the tiny tax on tea, it was this massive invasion of privacy that changed history. The Patriot act goes even further - it allows the feds to serve self written warrants to banks and other financial institutions (who's definition was later changed to mean almost ANY BUSINESS YOU DO BUSINESS WITH) - and the recipient of the warrant is FORBIDDEN to notify YOU that the fed has invaded your privacy! This is quite possibly the worst bill that was ever passed by the American Government.
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