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Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Libertarian View on Abortion

The so called "Pro Life" and "Pro Choice" views on abortion are actually both consistent and defensible with Libertarian views. For Libertarians, it really boils down to a question of when life begins. For those who believe that life begins at conception, then it's perfectly understandable that a Libertarian would defend that life with everything within his being. For those who believe that life begins at viability, it's also perfectly understandable that a Libertarian would defend the mother's right to choose to do what she chooses with her own body. I don't think anyone has a magic wand that will convince the other - so the best thing is to get the federal government out of it, and leave it up to each state. There's 50 opportunities for each side to have their way, and the likely outcome will be that half the states will go one way, and half will go the other. People will then have true choice about where they live, who they support, and how their tax money is spent, but we will all be better off because the federal government will be removed from the equation. Instead of focusing on differences, isn't it better to focus on the things we have in common? One thing that is probably true for all of us, is that abortions are not desirable, so we should focus on ways of educating young women to avoid these situations in the first place. We can also work together to solve the underlying reasons why certain segments of the population are much more likely to have abortions than others. It seems apparent to me that the war on drugs destroys the inner city, and this destruction of the family leads to abortions. Maybe it's time to stop treating the symptom, and start fighting the disease.

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