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Monday, March 22, 2010

Why Atheists need God

For almost 90 years, the United States has been the greatest power for good the world has ever seen. We have been the peace keepers, the decider of wars, the protector of democracy and freedom. The United States never receives its due credit - even in the handling of the native American Indians - while most invasive cultures have simply wiped out the indigenous population, the British colonies of the Americas were decidedly different - greatly due to their strong religious beliefs and puritan values. Although their goal was not entirely successful, they tried to preserve Indian culture by segmenting, instead of outright forced assimilation. This was a ground breaking concept which had never been tried before. The common misconception that the White Man's greed in dealing with the natives is simply not accurate. The native chiefs also showed great greed since they were bartering for things which they believed could not be traded or owned. Who is more at fault? The merchant who (mistakenly) believes he is selling a good that cannot be sold or the buyer who believes he is getting an exceptionally cheap price? Today we call that fraud. The important thing to take from this is not that the colonialists were innocent - as they were clearly not - but you must question the little pieces of information you have been allowed to learn because it has been so selectively filtered so as to change the facts. It is just as critical to understand that the main reason for the continued existence of the natives were due to the values of the colonists that settled the new world. That later misdeeds were committed should not diminish these facts.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Now, I'm not a religious or even church going man - however I do believe that my values have certainly been framed by a country founded and based on religious principles. Were I to be born and raised in any other environment, surely I would now be writing an entirely different blog post right now. (possibly by candle light instead of on a keyboard). In the Declaration of Independence, the wishes of our founding fathers could not be more clear. men... are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights... "by their Creator". So despite what Democrat Tom Harkin said in a speech in 2010, Rights are not Given by Congress. Rights are not given by any government. The entire foundation of this great nation is that Rights are so fundamental to our existence, and to our humanity that they cannot be granted, by any other man, or group of men, and in order for that to be valid, our rights can only be granted by our creator - God. This God is non-denominational - no one religion owns the concept of God, so it equally applies to Christians, as to Jews, and Protestants as well as Muslims and any and every other religion in the world. We have rights given by a higher power - not by any mere mortal, and with that means that no mere mortal may take them away. You've no doubt noticed the attack on religion in our culture today. Christmas has been under attack for years. Schools have ceased to mention "Christmas" on the calendar, in favor of "Holiday break". The 10 Commandments have been banned in front of courthouses. These are all meant to erode our protections offered by God - and to make us forget that it is God who gave us these unalienable rights - so that they may one day have the power to take them away.

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