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IT Consulting & Computer Network Services

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Federal Government's Attack on Gold

Washington doesn't want you to be in control of your own money. They don't want you to buy gold - they'd rather you buy TIPS. Google Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities and see for yourself what a complete scam it is. So the logical move (if you're a diabolical progressive) is to put gold companies out of biz, or at least discredit them, then keep pushing the TIPS. It's kind of like a drug dealer killing the other dealers in the hood.

Congressman Weiner doesn't want you to buy gold, so he's going after the companies that sell gold - on the premise that you are too stupid to read - I mean - on the premise that these companies are not disclosing enough... um - I just checked out Goldline (A top rated BBB company) - seems pretty straight forward to me. So what's Weiner's problem? Maybe he thinks people are all just Homer Simpsons.

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