Passidomo's Voting Record

Live in Naples? Do you know what your State Rep is up to? Check out Passidomo's Voting Record!

IT Consulting & Computer Network Services

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mob Rules?

From my last post, you now know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic.  What may not know is that the Obama administration is either intentionally or through incompetence moving us towards a true Democracy, which you also know is only a temporary state on the road towards Oligarchy.  Hard to believe?  Remember that Democracy is really 'Mob Rules' and Republic is "The Rule of Law".  So, the first example that pops into my mind is the AIG Bonus situation.  The general population (mob) was enraged about this because at first glance these bonuses seem to be ludicrous.  However, think about it in a different way - think about your own relationship with your employer.  You may have a contract that details what  you are supposed to do, and what they are supposed to pay you in return.  You have confidence that this contract will be honored because it is protected by Law.  In the case of AIG, the government did their best to dissolve this contract when it had absolutely NO RIGHT to do it because we live in a Republic - where the Law is supreme, even above majority (mob) rule.  In a democracy, any thing goes, as long as the mob wants it!  Ultimately, this is why a democracy is only a transitional state that cannot survive.  Eventually a true democracy will de-evolve into anarchy, and then oligarchy just as history has proven many times over.

Friday, May 8, 2009

What is America?

If you're anything like me, you listen to the pundits talking about political issues and you generally have a good understand what is going on, but occasionally you hear a word that you may not have a complete understanding of.  Whenever this happens, the first thing I do is of course, to Google it.  A few weeks ago, it occurred to me that although I had a feeling of the difference, I really couldn't define it, and that really bothered me.  To think that I couldn't properly define two words that together makeup the architecture of the greatest nation the world has ever known.  I'm talking about two words - Republic and Democracy.  I'm a well educated American.  I have always thought of myself as having a good grasp on the English language, U.S. History and political terms.  How is it that this could happen?  As it turns out, I've found that there is a lot of confusion surrounding these words.  Many people, even those who should know better, use them interchangeably.  It would seem as though these two words are more similar than they are different - but nothing could be further from the truth.  The difference actually is quite spectacular. The best explanation I've come across was put into a video.  Please watch, then come back here to comment.

A Conservative View

While trying to come up with my first ever political blog entry, I realized that what I need to do first is to introduce myself - not my name and stats, but who I am as a political voice.  My idea with this blog is to maintain a level of common sense that is missing from most of the net, so I will do my best to honor that goal.  You won't see profanity, personal attacks (although I admit this will be my biggest challenge), deceptive comments or (hopefully) partisan or biased stump speeches.   It is my intention to provide provocative and intellectual opinions based on as much truth as net research will allow.  I do consider myself a conservative, so be forewarned.